05/20/24 - Sweet Nina Beans
Nina, also known as Nina Beans, Beanie Baby, Beansie, and many other nicknames, was a sweet girl, who loved nothing more than cuddling up with her loving family. She would follow us from room to room, looking up at us with such adorable, loving eyes, eagerly waiting for us to sit down, so she could immediately climb up onto our laps. She would cu... (more)
05/16/24 - 05/03/2024 Sweet Stella
My sweet Stella you were my heart which is now broken into pieces. I lost you too soon. Your family loved you so much and you showed us every day how much you loved us back. You loved to play, have fun and of course naps. Kids were drawn to you for your immediate love and kindness towards them. You were funny, silly and always happy even when y... (more)
05/02/24 - THE BEST DOG EVER
Our Beautiful boy Tuxx, you will be so missed .... You were the perfect boy, your personality, your energy, your special heart will be missed by your fam, friends and by all the patients you visited at the hospital (as a therapy dog). We lost you on April 27, 2024 and that day our heart got shattered by your terrible loss. We know you are in a v... (more)
03/22/24 - “Pimmy”
your eight years on this earth seem much too short. you loved going on trips up north and riding in the boat. pepper was an unconventional guinea pig. as a rescue, she hated being handled and pet unless she was in the mood. she did what she wanted and made sure everyone knew it. she was there during my hours of need and i was there for hers. we wer... (more)
03/12/24 - I Love You Forever
I am so lucky that I got the chance to meet Oliver, even if it was for such a short time. When I found out he was old, I knew our time would be short so we lived everyday to the fullest. He was my best friend and we did everything together. He loved sunshine, fluffy blankets and boxes, but most of all he loved to cuddle. Everywhere we met he would ... (more)