We receive many many cards and letters from pet owners thanking us for our care and compassion.

Thank you so much for your kind words, and for giving us the opportunity to assist you in your time of need. For a sampling: View Testimonials
Client Survey
AEC greatly appreciates all your feedback. Here are the latest online survey customer review results:
Customer Reviews
4.9 out of 5 stars
5 star
4 star
3 star
2 star
1 star
Click Client Survey to take the client survey and/or post your own comments and pet photo.

View Comments to see pet photos and comments posted by all client survey participants.
Pet Memorial
We offer our most sincere condolences on the loss of your pet.

Photo courtesy Elaine Gates

Although nothing may ease your grief at this difficult time, we offer these words of comfort.

If you would like to honor a pet's memory, you may share your sentiments on our website: Add Memorial. Click here to View Memorials.
Our Sincere Thanks to You
We believe that the heartfelt compassion we share for you and your pet sets us apart from other emergency facilities. Although we typically are meeting your pet for the first time when you visit, we wish to provide you with the same individualized care and personal attention we would extend to our own friends and family.

Thank you for your Words of Appreciation, and for your survey feedback. We are truly dedicated to Higher Standards and Excellence in all that we do, and we sincerely value all of your comments and suggestions.