Unsure if your pet needs urgent care? Call 1-877-AEC-4-PETs for 24/7 support.
If you are experiencing an emergency, come to our nearest hospital. AEC is dedicated to emergency care, always Open 24/7, and no ER appts are needed.
If you are experiencing an emergency, come to our nearest hospital. AEC is dedicated to emergency care, always Open 24/7, and no ER appts are needed.
AEC Novi is located on Novi Road just North of 10 Mile Road. AEC Rochester is located on East Auburn Road in Rochester. Click on the map icon to see a Google map or get directions from your location.
AEC Novi
24360 Novi Road
Novi, MI 48375
24360 Novi Road
Novi, MI 48375
248.348.1784 fax
Open 24 Hours,
7 days
AEC Rochester
278 East Auburn Road
Rochester Hills, MI 48307
278 East Auburn Road
Rochester Hills, MI 48307
248.651.1787 fax
Open 24 Hours,
7 days