What is wrong with the world today?
This poor puppy was found by the Livonia police in a CVS parking lot with a string tied so tightly around his mouth that the skin had started to slough off. He was skin and bones, and presumably had not eaten for days. His nose and mouth were so badly damaged where the string had cut into it that the underlying bone was actually exposed.

After another emergency vet had refused to offer anything for this abuse victim other than to euthanize him, the police brought the puppy to AEC. He was immediately signed over to our care and in addition to fluid and antibiotic treatments, blood work and other tests, he went in for surgery to try and salvage / reconstruct what could be saved of his mouth and lips.

Services like these are not inexpensive, but AEC was able to donate their time and materials to do \'the right thing\'. Fortunately, everything went extremely well and Franklin, as this cute little puppy came to be called, was actually adopted by one of our technicians.

Too often AEC sees cases like these. For one reason or another an animal that is in need of specialized care and treatment often doesn\'t have someone that can shoulder the financial responsibility. As much as possible, AEC works with pet owners and rescue groups to try to do what is right to help a pet, or to help someone who brings in a stray or someone like Franklin. However, as these situations seem to be more frequent in today\'s economy, we are requesting your help.

A charity is born. The "Heart to Heart Fund" was established by Dr. Heather Robertson of AEC as a means to help pets like Franklin and other special hardship cases where investing in appropriate medical treatment can make all the difference in the outcome for a special pet. If a life can be saved, if quality of life can be good, if we can turn aside the hand of fate to save a sick or injured pet, the "Heart to Heart Fund" is here to help.

Please give from your heart to help save another. We can make a difference. YOU can make a difference. The Heart to Heart Fund is used solely to help offset the medical costs for dire hardship and abandonment cases. For more information go to: heart2heartfund.org or simply make a secure donation using Paypal: