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08/17/18 - AEC Novi

About a week ago, on August 9th, I brought my little buddy Jake in for suspected consumption of a prescription medication. Everybody at Animal Emergency Clinic was compassionate, caring, and professional, and saved my friend's life. I appreciate the love and care that you gave Jake and the immediacy you provided that love and care. Watching what was going on at the clinic, I was amazed at how quick you took care of all patients that were brought in! We're lucky to have AEC so close, as I don't think that Mr. Jake would be here today if not for your love of animals and your compassion for their people! Jake wanted me to send this picture that we took on Sunday, so feel free to share it and his story if you would like!

Thank You Again!
- Donny and Jake - Donny [Avg. Score: 5.0