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11/09/12 - AEC Novi

It was dinnertime on Saturday and were outside on front lawn when we heard Cheyanne scream. She rolled down the driveway and collapsed. No one was around. We called AEC as our Vet gave us the magnet. The Receptionist told us to bring her in. We used a sling to get her in the car. The Receptionist got some help and a transport board to carry her in. She was in pain and could not use her hind legs.Dr. Lauren Liba gave her morphine for the pain. They x-rayed her and saw nothing. Dr. Liba asked if she got hit by a car as that is how Cheyanne presented. She suspected it could be a CFE (Fibrocartilagoneous embolism) and contacted a vet neurologist. Dr. Liba gave us options and we agreed to try prednisone and see if it got better. That was exactly what she had. We were just so grateful for Dr. Liba's expertise and compassion. This was our first time at AEC and the entire staff's kindness and expeditious treatment was really appreciated. We were outof there in less than 90 minutes. We did a follow-up visit with our vet and she has returned to good health. Fortunately she did not require the MRI or neurologist as she got so much better. Cheyanne chases whatever toy we throw and walks just like she did before. Thank you to all of your absolutely wonderful staff for the service that they provided. And the bill was very reasonable. God bless you all. - Cheyanne's Mom and Dad [Avg. Score: 5.0