10/30/20 - Riley
Our hearts were broken several weeks ago and the tears are still flowing as we said goodbye to our beautiful, faithful and loving dog Riley. For 12 + years he amazed us each and every day! He had a book written about him, he posed for a characature, walked proudly around his neighborhood, played ball, took towels, pushed pillows off of beds, was ... (more)
10/20/20 - Our Doodle Bug
Twelve phenomenal years with Daisy May Lewandowski. She got an MRI on 10/6/20 and it revealed a massive brain tumor inside her right frontal lobe. She passed away 7 hours after and I was hoping to have more than 3 months with her. When she was a puppy my husband and I snuck our sweetie into SO many hotels and restaurants. She adventured everywhere ... (more)
10/16/20 - 10-8-20
I was so fortunate to have this friend in my life for the last 20 years. He was supportive and loving through every move, smile, tear, life event and change. And, yes, he really did have nine lives. He was tough. This little guy was with me for at least 12 houses (helping to make each one feel more like home); he was there for the birth of ... (more)
10/14/20 - My best friend of 5 years
I received Barnaby, a 14 year old parrotlet as a gift from my sister when she left the country. I was living in a apartment complex and realize I probably got noise complaints, but he was my best friend- if he went, so did I. He had helped me through a difficult time and kept my mental health stable. Its hard not to love someone when they say hello... (more)
10/13/20 - Miggy
My Miggy Passed away on 9/12/2020 they believe it was cancer or something else shutting down the kidneys and liver He was the sweetest boy I've ever had. Gentle and loving. Got him thru the humane society when he was about seven. He nursed me thru a hip fracture. Always by my side Loved his walks and loved vegetables Would wait for a carro... (more)