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03/17/15 - AEC Rochester

I can't not express enough our gratitude for Animal Emergency Center. Our 13 yr old Devon Rex went from a normal day into a nightmare in a matter of minutes. Her regular Vet and I believe she collided with the prefect storm; Liver infection, GI inflammation, age and some out-of-this-world Gallbladder thingy..
AEC worked quickly and confidentially to help her....bring her up from the pain she was in... She was an over night patient, this left me with no sleep at all...preparing for the worst...12hr later her Liver values started to come down..

Pearl wasn't out of the Deep Dark woods yet. we had to administer her medication and suffer 'hissing' of her sister Gracy...which still is happening...

Fast forward....March 6th 2015, after more blood test the day before....Dr. Frank DVM, cat care gave us great news. All her Liver Levers were normal....minimal kidney levels...Pearl is out of the Dark woods....but she'll never be full from the 100 acre wood..

Thank you all for being there....

-jeff - Pearl's Owner [Avg. Score: 5.0